C. elegans RNAi Library

C. elegans is a powerful model system to study animal development and physiology. The C. elegans RNAi feeding library from Julie Ahringer's group at the Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, allows individual knockdown of most genes by feeding worms a bacterial strain that expresses the corresponding dsRNA.

Whole RNAi library which consists of 19,966 clones is available, as well as individual clones.

A current mapping of RNAi clone to gene can be found in WormBase.

RNAi clone names and plate addresses, and the primer sequences used to construct the RNAi libraries:
(Original and Supplemental Ahringer RNAi library clone and primer info.xlsx )

Note: RNAi bacterial strains carry the name of the C. elegans gene they were designed to target in the year 1998. Because gene annotations have changed and improved over time, the RNAi clone name now does not always match the C. elegans gene name it targets.

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DNAFORM offers RNAi libraries by complete sets (I, II, III, IV, V, X and supplemental sets) as frozen glycerol stocks of bacterial strains arrayed in 96 well plates or as individual bacterial strains (clones).

  • Chromosome sets I : 2,445 clones (96 well plate×29 plates)
  • Chromosome sets II : 2,978 clones (96 well plate×35 plates)
  • Chromosome sets III : 2,132 clones (96 well plate×26 plates)
  • Chromosome sets IV : 2,749 clones (96 well plate×32 plates)
  • Chromosome sets V : 4,152 clones (96 well plate×51 plates)
  • Chromosome sets X : 2,357 clones (96 well plate× 28 plates)
  • Supplemental sets : 3,513 clones (96 well plate×44 plates)
  • Total : 20,326 clones (96 well plate×245 plates)


  • Kamath, R.S., Fraser, A.G., Dong, Y., Poulin, G., Durbin, R., Gotta, M., Kanapin, A., Le Bot, N., Moreno, S., Sohrmann, M., Welchman, D., Zipperlen, P., and Ahringer, J. (2003) Systematic Functional Analysis of the C. elegans Genome using RNAi. Nature, 421, 231-237.
  • Fraser, A., Kamath, R.K., Zipperlen, P., Martinez-Campos M., Sohrmann, M. and Ahringer, J. (2000) Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans Chromosome I by systematic RNA interference. Nature, 408, 325-330.